Expert Instructors

Skill meet Experience. Our instructors are sourced graduates from the Top 5 Universities in S.A who work alongside top recommended and experienced educators. We reject more than 95% applications on our recruit program to get you only the best guys.

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Simplicity - The KUDU-APP

Through our KUDU-APP, you get to manage everything about your membership. Check schedules, view your marks and subject performance analytics, announcements, shop, activity logs and a lot more. You can even rate lessons from your subject instructors.

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Qualifying to Apply?

As part of our entry pre-assessment, All new Matric applicants should score at-least 8 points from the sum of the Levels of the Subjects they want to enroll as per last school report. This will be re-evaluated and monitored every term for the Grade 12 class.

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Manage your Academics
and Membership

A Patnership in Discovery and Excellence

Expert Instructors

Our instructors are subject's natural tutors who work alongside top recommended and experienced educators and subject's advisors


Beevendaal certification earned at the end of Grade 12 details your achievements with the organization can be attached when applying for external Bursaries, Scholarships etc

Subjects Grouping

Use the list below to check the possible subjects combination you can get.
NB: you cannot do more than 1 subject in the same group




Become an Instructor

You're shaping values. You're building character. You're helping young minds wrestle with big ideas. Beevendaal is always looking for Educators/Tutors like you

Join our Team
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Hello Mate,

Beevendaal is always recruiting a panel of life changing Educators and Tutors for our learners in the learning areas offered. Apply to join the team if you believe you are what we are looking for.

Email the following to:

  • Professional C.V
  • Copy of ID/Passport
  • Grade 12 Certificate
  • One page motivational letter
  • A Higher Education qualification (Advantage)

We will contact you to undergo our recruitment evaluation steps within 5 working days.

Qualifying to attend with us?